* * * * *
I think the most powerful moment of the performance is when
Gavin, A, states how when he received pictures "of the scene on my desk in
front on me. A small girl in pyjamas had had her head beaten in." He goes
on to say how her head was caved in. The way that the Gavin presents this and
the words themselves really work together well to form an emotional response
within the audience. The way he spits it out as if he can't bear to say the
words, he very clearly shows his disgust with her and what she has done and it
makes the audience sit back and realise the extent of what she has done. The way
that the Katie reacts to this really contrasts and emphasises how terrible this
women is. She keeps calm, collected and almost amused. Overall the most
powerful scenes are the Blondie scenes as they convey our message clearly.
* * * * *
My favourite moment is the social scenes and the songs. These
are enjoyable to watch for the audience and clearly show how Brechtian theatre works.
During these bits in the performance there is always something for the audience
to look at, which in turn makes them concentrate harder on what we are saying. I like
how both the social scenes and the songs involve the whole ensemble and challenge
the audience by making them work harder to find the messages. We have embedded
the work of Brecht in our piece through song, creating the scene with our
bodies (for the social scenes) and talking to the audience throughout the play.
All of these different things are Brechtian. They alienate the audience and it stops
the audience from forming an emotional response to a character.
* * * * *
I need to work on the physicality of my character, the voice
of my character and overall the little details to make my character more vicious
yet sexy. The thing that I most need to work on is how I present my lines as I will
be saying my lines to the audience. I am excited to try this out as I have
never really done this before.
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