Sunday, 11 November 2012


Moving onto how Narration can be used was interesting. We chose a Fairy Tale to retell, our group chose "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Whilst retelling our chosen Fairy Tale we had to include:
  1. A narrator
  2. An actor stepping out of character to narrate
  3. An actor speaking in 3rd person
  4. A singing narration
We all multi-rolled, apart from Snow White, and we chose to narrate in a sport commentary way to push the audience away even further. We found that incorporating the actor speaking in 3rd person was difficult as we were not used to doing a performance like that. We incorporated this by, whilst we were doing that action, describing what we were doing. For example, if someone was walking into a house we would then say "she walked into the house". This reminded the audience that we were actors and that we were only representing the characters not being them, it also felt very strange as it is going against what we have learned to do for years. Including a singing narration was very fun and easy to do as, personally, I felt that it fitted in nicely. We decided to use the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" as our base. We used the tune when Snow White was going to eat the apple, singing "eat the apple, don't eat the apple".  Doing this bought comedy into our scene as it unnatural. We found ourselves over exaggerating our characters even though we had not been asked to. This was because what we were doing was so against "normal" acting that we had to change from "serious" acting to melodramatic acting.

* * * * *

Brecht used Narration because it alienates the audience and makes them realise that the scene they are watching is not real. Narration can also bring out a lighter side to things. For example when we sung "eat the apple, don't eat the apple" this bought a lighter side to the idea of her dying when she eats the apple. The narration can also get the audience to question what is being stated/shown. I found using Narration interesting and different to use.

1 comment:

  1. Your notes on workshop one are excellent, they are a detailed personal reflection of the work that you did and also evaluate the work of others. This clearly demonstrates your understanding of techniques that you were learning and the thought processes you were having. Great work!
